27 September 2006

Lux Et Veritas

"We all sit under the same stars, what difference does it make by which means I find peace?"

Going to church in The Gambia, I was once again reminded of the powerful ability of religion to inspire people to find their own peace here on Earth. To make a mental and physical space in which one can find comfort.

A lone voie filled the room to what I figured would be a standard church hymn. Moments later two large djembe drums kicked in along with a full chorus in perfect harmony. Nature itself could not have produced something with such a diverse yet unifying blend. As I sat listening it became clear someone had taken time to make this idea work here. It was a mix of local languages, english versions of hymns, African beats, and Christian messages. I was awe struck. The last time something like this happened to me I was looking at the giant south tower of St. Stephen's slice into the Viennese sky, only to be further taken aback as I entered and was greeted by a procession of priests chanting in the smoky interior.

I am starting to do some A/V work acting as an instructor at the local YMCA. They have a really good set up, and it looks promising. Hopefully we will be ready for full classes by December. Merry Christmas to me...

Bananas are in season so I have been enjoying some awesome PB & banana sandwiches. The local PB has less sugar than Jiff or Skippy, but it is freak'n superb.

In other news, children still cry here for no apparent reason. Imagine the lifestyle that most parents of newborns experience during the night, and then multiply that by all day long...

If anyone has it in their hearts to send me a Rugby ball and pump needle I would love you forever.


Jacob said...

I call dibs on the Rugby ball! You're probably going to be swimming in rugby balls, but I'm going to send one your way.

Amazing story about the church music. I've heard many performances in church, but never something like that.

Keep up the good work! Sounds like you're going to be the Mr. Rudkin of The Gambia. Don't forget to put your students' videos on YouTube. I'm sure many people would want to see their work.

Anonymous said...

CUW and I used "freak'n superb" all weekend...miss you!

Anonymous said...


Today I made some of my chicken noodle soup and it made me think of you. I hope you're doing well and to hear from you soon. Things are getting better and the buckeyes are looking unbeatable. I hope you're happy...:p

apparently the new n3rd thing to say in an online game is by0b33r. n3rdzz are weird but I love it...take care homie