17 June 2006

It's the little things...

Some updates.

Peace Corps: Received my staging kit. Leaving on the morning of July 3rd for Philly. Really looking forward to meeting my fellow volunteers some of whom I have been in contact with already. The adventure is about to begin.

Radio Show: Will and I will be wrapping up our time together as co-hosts of WIUTech. We have had a blast doing the show, and it's too bad we did not have more time to produce. Best wishes to Will and whomever takes my place.

Life in general: You have to love those times when all is normal and we just sit back to enjoy the simple things: whiffle ball in the backyard. College was full of these kind of great moments.


Anonymous said...

Still no co-host yet. I'm going to have my boss send out an email to all of STC and see if I get any bites. But if there's anyone reading this that might be interested in doing a radio show, leave a comment on my site.

As for the wiffle ball... I know what you mean. It's these moments that don't mean much; they're the ones that mean the most in the end. They're often the ones you remember. Funny how that works.

Evan said...

Hey Todd! I'm in your Gambian group. Can't wait to get there. I just put up my blog tonight. You guys have quite the network going on here already. My e-mail address is evanmroth at gmail if you want to contact me. Look forward to meeting you in Philly!


David said...

Hey Todd, glad to hear from you and we'll see you soon! Yeah, rugby is great on the beach, I didnt think I would be getting much physical activity by way of sporting events during my term here, but its been a great stress relief. You'll def have to get in some games while you're here for training...and if you're placed here in the city then you can be a regular...we play ultimate frisbee also.See you soon, good luck with training.

Anonymous said...

patrick click on other or anonymous... then publish. -td

_Ajaan Tim said...
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_Ajaan Tim said...

Thoughts on saying good bye to Todd:

I know that Todd is a presence for a lot of people. Spread the word about foundtheriver.blogspot so that we can keep in touch that way at least.

Todd himself seemed to hold up well as he said his good byes. His recently posted Calvin and Hobbes strip shows something of what he feels, but at the airport he was ever cool, poker faced, so I tried to keep a stiff upper lip too when we said good bye. I watched him navigate airport security and disappear down the concourse. He did not look back once. He is confident, secure, resolute, ready.

This is so different from his Vienna study-abroad trip or his summer in Northeast Thailand. It was easy then to reach him and keep in touch. In fact it was relatively easy to visit and we did so at both sites. This time though he left behind his cell phone and computer, appliances that have been by his side continuously. The guy I rely upon for tech support is now off the grid.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer myself and should be better able to say good bye than many parents. Still it is very hard and for perspective I remind myself how much harder it would be if his destination was Iraq. I often muse what it would be like if I were a parent in a more hierarchical culture where the son usually obediently follows the wishes of the father. With that in mind, I told him go, use your head, keep your spirits up, make us proud.

Salam, -Ajaan Tim

Anonymous said...

What up Todd? I hope all is well with you. I wanted to wish you an early Happy birthday. Nothing is really new here in bloomington. Shoot me an email sometime when you get a chance a let me know about all your new lady friends. Take care.